Robert Ware, the first-year Totino-Grace basketball coach, teaches on and off the court.
Minneapolis Star Tribune (February 15, 2016)
Robert Ware’s first brush with Totino-Grace basketball came in 1998 when his Minneapolis Henry team played the Eagles and star Darius Lane. In those days, hoops fans showed up to the Fridley private school gym by 4 p.m. to ensure a bleacher seat for a 7 p.m. varsity tipoff. Ware grew up in Minneapolis. “My biological dad wasn’t around – ever,” Ware said. “I had a bad relationship with my mom and the different things going on in her life. I stayed with friends from time to time. That really saved me. That and coach [Larry] McKenzie and the basketball family [at Henry]. That kept us out of trouble. Then once I really learned what hard work was about, I bought in. READ MORE…